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    Tuesday, September 08, 2009

    The Countdown Begins!!

    Not long now guys! Making final preparations as we speak. I'll be posting here shortly when it's ready on

    PS. Don't believe the rumours... Exmortis 3 has not been deleted...


    eaglepig said...


    Unknown said...

    woot!!! come on leffler i can't hardly wait xD!!!!

    Cindy said...


    cloud said...

    good work dude

    eaglepig said...

    yeah i know i'm so excited!!! I'm ready to s**t myself from excitement and suspense at the same time!

    Unknown said...

    I knew they were all just pessimistic losers! Go, Ben, go, make my paranoia more!!!

    Guaranteed, I won't sleep tonight. And that's not just because the woods outside my window look conspicuously like the woods in Exmortis 1.

    eaglepig said...

    ooh!!! Gama yur gonna get scared man. Well im not gonna get scared as much cuz my mommys making cookies in the next room!!! YUMMY YAY!!!

    Eric Fleet said...

    Oh great... now I won't get any sleep.

    Unknown said...

    david send us

    eaglepig said...

    lolz. They r so yummylicious too. yes.

    JuegosGratisFullPC said...


    MakaylaMcC said...

    oh god! i've been waiting all day here in Indiana (usa)

    scared it wasn't gonna come out. Here, it's Monday 7th 9:15pm

    Brian said...

    Sweet dude! I'm all set for it, got my nitelite ready to go and will be sure to do my business before hand. Thanks for all the hard work you done on this kick ass game.

    Myss Fly said...


    p.s. is it gonna cost on fizzy? and if so how much???

    Mike said...

    Yesss! I just played 1 and 2 again, now I'm gonna go eat dinner, turn off all the lights in my room, and hopefully play 3 when I'm done. I is so excited!!! I just hope the free one isn't too watered down =\

    Unknown said...

    Mmmm, warm cookies. Send them to me, it's cold in here because my parents apparently think making spooky climate ambience is a good thing.

    Oh, uh, just a quick FYI-...I'm a girl. XD

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Oh my god I'm so excited!

    I even got mentioned in the Ben Leffler blog like omg

    eaglepig said...

    lol. they r so good just had 2 of them, dipped one in milk. k well im all set to get the crap scared out of me. =)

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I seen you in The Sum of All Fears and Pearl Harbor and SNL

    eaglepig said...

    Pat_Mak_Nation stop posting. You nearly made me poop myself. =(

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...



    Pat_Mak_Nation said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Exmortis 2 is finally out yes!

    I am in the church now where are you guys at? I see foot prints

    eaglepig said...

    Hey! I don't know where to go to play it!!!!!! HELP ME NO!!!!

    Unknown said...

    he hasn't posted it yet..stop being douchebags ppl...

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Just click Exmortis 2 and it is there I am in the house now so scary reading the news reports.

    Unknown said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I need to help that guy I met in the confession booth he needs my help to defeat Vleuw and the other guy.

    Anonymous said...

    ! SWEET BEN! I LOVE YOU! I have been waiting all day!

    eaglepig said...

    OMG YOU ARE SO MEAN!!! exmortis 2 has already been out. It's exmortis 3 we want!

    Unknown said...

    cooooome on ben...3 years in teh making we wanna see how dis ends!

    eaglepig said...

    seriously is it out yet???

    Unknown said...

    quick question Hannay the same person from exmortis 2?

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    It doesn't end. I heard this and Submachine are rivals.

    I hear we end up in the submachine

    Unknown said...

    no david it's not out yet..i've been checking fizzy the whole day today and nothing yet...i refreshed just now and still not there..

    eaglepig said...

    k well it better be out soon. I better not have eaten those cookies for nothing!

    Anonymous said...

    Oh my gosh! I'm sooooo glad to hear that it's not dead!

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Who said it was dead? Where did you hear that from

    eaglepig said...

    Yeah i know me too. This is really getting my heart pumping. OMG im so excited YAY!

    eaglepig said...


    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I just added an extra bit of fear to the game by making you all fear the game itself was destroyed.


    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Anyone here like Submachine? I went to their board too and told them their game was erased lol was so funny

    eaglepig said...

    Well you are an extremely big a**Hole. i dont think anyone likes what u did meanieface

    cloud said...

    stupid ass PAT

    Unknown said...

    you are officially an a$$..

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Waiting for Submachine is like waiting for congress to pass a bill.

    So many levels and people to pass it through.

    eaglepig said...

    I am NOT going to bed UNTIL I PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

    Unknown said...

    same here...Leffler any comments on this?

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    So could this game happen in real life?

    What year is this taking place in?
    Judging by the automobiles and houses it looks like it's from the 1940s or 1950s

    eaglepig said...

    indeed i would like a comment as to when the game will be issued for our enjoyment. =)

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    He said imminently

    Anonymous said...

    I'm so impatient...

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Now I have a question. Who will be making the first walkthrough for this game?

    I want to do it!

    eaglepig said...

    how do you know? OMG CAN YOU READ MINDS??? lolz

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Exmortis 4 comes out in 2011
    Exmortis 5 in 2014

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    We want Exmortal! We want Exmortal!

    Unknown said...

    pat,he's said that #3 is the last exmortis.

    cloud said...

    pat is so fucking stupid , i want to kill him

    eaglepig said...

    lol. i think will probably be making the first walkthrough. either them or Ben himself.

    Mike said...

    I think Ben writes a walk through and releases it in tandem with the game doesn't he? I think he did it for the first two...

    Unknown said...

    wow...exmortal...i think you just lost the priviledge of making the walkthrough..

    Myss Fly said...

    LIAR!!!!! Ben said himself that Exmortis is only a Trilogy!!!!

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Then I will make Exmortis 4 myself.. A spin off..

    Called Ex-Exmortis

    Unknown said...

    just ignore him..he'll get tired..

    Unknown said...

    pat ur a dumbass.

    eaglepig said...

    feed the troll and he'll go away.

    Anonymous said...

    Wow...Pak, you're ridiculous...

    Unknown said...

    come on Leffler!!!!! time to throw the chicken into the wolf pack... :)

    SirEddy said...

    Darn Australian put the game out!!

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Here is how Exmortal 4 will open..

    "..Fans of a video game who have waited years for it's release are summoned by an evil poster claiming to be the friend of Ben Laughter.."

    The post reads the game has been deleted..

    Fear sweeps over the world and millions panic.

    Anonymous said...


    Unknown said...


    Mike said...

    Actually Jack, he said he's taking it one game at a time. Depending on how E3 is received, he might continue games within the Exmortis mythology. He just said that this will be the last straight up, main line point n click chapter for Exmortis. He mentioned trying to make a Diablo type game within the Exmortis franchise. At this point, anything could happen. That being said, I can hardly wait another second for E3!

    eaglepig said...

    hey i want exmortis 3 now ben. so plz

    SirEddy said...

    agree Sir David

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    There will be many more exmortis.

    and he will charge $10 a game to use it. I can't wait until


    Anonymous said...

    I agree with David.

    eaglepig said...


    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    It says

    "This game is only available to Canadian residents for the time being"

    eaglepig said...


    Unknown said...

    someone please shut pat the hell up.

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    So the first scene opens up where the last game left off.. in that tunnel thing.. Suddenly everything goes dark..

    and then some scary face pops up and a castle and that's it game over.

    So scary :D

    Unknown said...

    [pimp slaps pat]

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I am waiting like you all.

    Ben hired me for entertainment purpouses.

    Anonymous said...

    If someone doesn't shut him up, I'll have to kill him.

    Unknown said...

    Dont lie pat no one will belive ur mongoloid ass..

    eaglepig said...

    k im really getting agitated now. ben exmortis 3 now plz i have to go to bed soon

    SirEddy said...

    yeah get the Australian!!!!!

    Brandon said...

    Pat.....really? Why are you trying to ruin this moment?!?!?! We've waited so long for this and you want to be a jack @ss? What's up with that?

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Exmortis 3.1.1

    Nick said...

    How about you all just shut the hell up?Personally i think pat is hilarious but i see how he is annoying, what im confused about is how you fuck faces dont see why he wont stop. When a farmer milks a cow, they continue to milk until the bucket is full or until the milk stops coming.

    Unknown said...

    SirEddy said...

    go Pat!!!!

    eaglepig said...

    omg that link that you posted is false!!!

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I am already at Exmortis 7 you guys still waiting for Exmortis 3 lol

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    oh my god he got my hopes up :( how can someone be so cruel!

    you know have a heart

    Unknown said...

    I think that will be the link, however. is the link for exmortis 2..

    Unknown said...

    david you're really gullible...

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I don't think there will be any release tonight.. He's pulling an Obama

    eaglepig said...

    im not gullible i just want exmortis 3 now! okay!>!?!?!?!?

    SirEddy said...

    ..........Get the Australian!!!

    Nick said...

    Pulling an obama?
    I dont think friend chicken would distract leffler from his job =|

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Exmortis is not really a puzzle solving game more than an interactive story line.

    Anonymous said...

    Hah, okay, I have to admit, that Obama joke was pretty good Pat, lol.

    SirEddy said...

    Nick what are you doing on the computer?

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    It's 10:05 in Quebec, Canada.

    Nick said...

    jerking off to these comments

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Add me to msn folks

    SirEddy said...

    you found you penis under the fat?!

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I am working on a similar game as Exmortis..

    it's called Dawn of the Dead.

    cloud said...

    why do i have to add a piece of shit like you

    Unknown said...

    LMFAO @ Nick!!!

    Nick said...

    yeah i had to back up a couple miles to get it out of ur mom but i found it

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Because Vleuw or whatever his name is would want you to..

    and if you don't do what Vluew says you know what happens.

    Brandon said...

    You know what pat? i take that back. You are quite entertaining. Do what you do. I'm bored of waiting. Your doing a decent job keeping me entertained.

    Unknown said...

    its VLAEW dumbass

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    and suddenly the people support their new king.

    ~goes to the castle~

    SirEddy said...

    I'm proud of you but my mom's dead, i think you got the wrong woman

    eaglepig said...

    Yeah I'm bored of waiting too. I'm actually losing heart a little bit. =(

    Nick said...

    no dude she just cant move cuz im THAT big

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    ~pulls a Vlaew~

    You humans are so gullable. You support me! In fact, I am working against the other guy.

    Now your reward.

    A quick delete of Exmortis 3 rather than a slow painful one bit by bit byte by byte

    SirEddy said...

    props to you Nickoli

    Cindy said...

    Peoples needs to hurrys.
    I'ms gettings impatient.

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I am going to start an Exmortis 3 Facebook group.

    SirEddy said...

    I'm in!

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Don't you see what's happening? Vlaew has taken control of Ben's computer and is killing us all with impatience.

    Reagal6187 said...

    BEN!!!! You gotta be fisting me! I have been waiting since the day Exmortis2 came out.

    PattyWhacker is a CockySucker.

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    It's up I think!

    Nick said...

    i honestly think fizzy is processing it right now, considering how long it took to make its most likely a big file and will probably be finished processing within the hour.

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Nevermind it's Exmortis 3 that's up now not Exmortis 4

    SirEddy said...

    oh darn........i thought it was 5

    Unknown said...

    Ben, if you're reading this message, I'm boarding the plane to Australia now.

    BRING US E-X-M-O-R-T-I-S 3...

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Poor Ben

    Didn't Michael Jackson sing that song once

    Something you should know about Ben Lyrics

    Title: Michael Jackson - Ben lyrics

    Artist: Michael Jackson Lyrics

    Visitors: 394772 visitors have hited Ben Lyrics since May 27, 2008.

    Send "Ben" Ringtone to Cell

    Ben, the two of us need look no more
    We both found what we were looking for
    With a friend to call my own
    I'll never be alone
    And you, my friend, will see
    You've got a friend in me
    (you've got a friend in me)

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I am getting sleepy. Someone tell me when the games up

    Myss Fly said...

    IM GONNA CRY...I WAS...SO EXCITED......AND ITS NOT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cue hysterical crying*

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I invite you all the watch this good video in the meantime lol

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I hear as we speak the game is coming by helicopter escort to the server in Los Angelos, flying out from Australia.

    I just saw the convoy fly over now the game is in the 2nd helicopter. Ben is in the first one.

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    I am watching the Live images of now it's Breaking News all over the world.

    The convoy is now landing ontop of the building.

    The game is under intense armed security. 4 guards are carrying the game into the building.

    Cindy said...

    Sweet a trailer!

    Cindy said...

    What do you guys think about the trailer?
    It almost made me cry cuz it looks so scary.

    Brian said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Nick said...


    Unknown said...

    Wow I can not believe this day has come. Ben good work. I thank God for keeping you inspired to do this project (although the project is a bit demon-ish) and I am so glad that I have at least lived to hear the announcement. Now if I can only live long enough to play the game...

    Unknown said...

    wouldent it be ironic if instead of the game being deleted, we all died before we got to play it? THE CURSE CONTINUES

    Unknown said...

    Pat, you are f$%ked doing this to Ben. This is his livelyhood, his job, how he feeds his family - do you want to STFU and stop carrying on, or do you want to jeapordise Ben's career? Would that make you happy? How cruel you are

    Anonymous said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Anonymous said...

    Everyone, you can GET and play the full game!

    Just signup here first, and a e-mail will be sent to you - that's teh full game:

    Exmortis 3 - The Game - Full Version

    Nick said...

    Do not believe johnny, im sure the e-mail thats sent is just an XSS in other words its meant to hack your computer. ^_^

    $20 isn't alot people