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    Monday, August 03, 2009

    The Shadowlands

    "It appears to be a bad moon tonight. Vlaew's sentries overlook the centerpiece of his kingdom - the bastion of his false rule. Indeed tonight the Shadow Citadel will fall and Vlaew will know the taste of his own blood..."

    -- Hannay.


    Unknown said...

    WOW! That's Vlaew's castle? :D

    Your working on the last chapter right?

    Can't wait!

    Anonymous said...

    This is amazing! I'm so freaking stoked about this game, I can't wait!

    nik said...


    Anonymous said...

    Can't wait for the new game....
    P.S. My cousin was freaked out when I was playing the 1st game and had the volume SUPER LOAD.

    alynch66 said...

    2nd game was the scariest

    Regice said...

    Exmortis 2 is the scariest! But i know that Exmortis 3 will be a bajillon times scarier! You rock Ben!

    Unknown said...

    OMFGA! This is fantastic! The light is finally visible at the end of the proverbial tunnel!

    Eric Fleet said...

    I want it out today. Actually, I wanted it out yesterday, and the day before that.

    The first two were done so well, I am worried about a letdown in this one. But I am hoping for the best>

    Kate said...

    I love this game series like you wouldn't believe, but damn it if it doesn't scare the piss out of me. How do you manage to make all of these terrifying games? I'd be shitting myself the entire time!

    The Enemigo said...

    Dear Ben.

    Congrats for your hard work. One question, more of a suggestion thing...

    Haven't you think about releasing the Exmortis series on Iphone / iPod Touch?

    I believe it could become the BEST SELLING APP in YEARS.

    Think about it. ;)

    Ben Leffler said...

    I certainly have contemplated that thought, and it is definitely something I would love to do. The unfortunate reality is that Apple have a very tight leash on the kind of content they offer through the iTunes Store for that platform.

    Considering the visual horror, course language and violence in Exmortis 3, the chances of getting this title past their classification standards are slim at best.

    It's a shame because the iPhone/iPod touch is the perfect device for a game of the Point-n-Click genre.

    Carine Yezn said...

    I wish one day that you make a very scary game just like exmortis but this time about zombies or about abandoned hospital or something. I'm sure that your game about zombies will be the best zombie game ever. please think about it.

    Unknown said...

    Ben, If not iPod/iPhone then maybe Nintendo DS? :) If 3rd Sense ever wanted to break into the console market, one of your P&C horror games would be the PERFECT way for them to do it. Keep up the fantastic work.

    nik said...

    ben this is a very scary screenshot hurry i can't wait i can't sleep

    peche pona said...

    This is one of the best pics, ever. I will make it my screensaver right now.

    Stefan said...

    An Xbox360 or PS3 game where you play as a member of the human resistance would be cool.

    I am currently forming a plot for the game.

    Jake the Snake said...

    I've been thinking after reading some of these posts, and you might be able to make these into Apple iPhone/iPod Touch apps. of course, you would have to market them as ages 17+. But if you could get them past Apples's strict standards, it might even be a chance for you to make a little green! id definitely pay for apps like the Exmortis series!

    Evil Roda said...

    I love you, Ben!
    You are fucking awesome. These games are absolute masterpieces. Any idea as to a possible release date? At all? I hope it doesn't take until next year! That'd be horrible! I dun wanna wait until then. I do hope that you make more games similar to these after this. Not more Exmortis sequels, but something that has the same feel as the Exmortis series. Keep it up, man!

    AlexDM said...

    <.< the games seemed alright to me (Exmortis 1 : could of had a 3rd ending in my opinion where he escapes with his amnesia)
    (Exmortis 2 : Seemed alright to me . . .main character could of been more smart when he was reading, it clearly did state that the "Past ruler" was still alive . . .so you know...then again lol this is during a time of we are all going to die xD not much time to think)

    Questions that have been on my mind

    Recent in your pictures you basically seem to be in hell?...

    When he says "I will give you a gift" I presumed it was death but after seeing the pictures was the gift being brought to there world? >.>....Also it seems the 2nd exmortis character is the only possible character to come back in the 3rd. After all he could of just said "And now you will die" and now "And now i give you a gift" . . .hmm either way i just had a few of those on my mind.

    alynch66 said...

    I hope this game is finished soon I will probably be so scared after playing it that I might never sleep again

    Anonymous said...

    Ok. Just wanted to let you know that I am really excited about Exmortis 3. The Exmortis series has got to be the single most scary game I have ever played. Ben, You are awesome! Keep up the work!

    Cindy said...

    This game is gonna be bad ass. I can't wait till it comes out so I can play it.

    Amanda Storey said...

    Hi, Ben!

    I just replayed Exmortis 1 and 2 in order to reacquaint myself with the plot and everything. I have to say that the difference in the art and style of Exmortis and Exmortis 3, or even between 2 and 3 is absolutely amazing. The first game is impressive, but just the screenshots from the third installment are just spectacular! Like everyone else, I can't wait for Exmortis 3! Also, I'm the admin for the What Was, What Is, and What Will Be group on Facebook (the largest Exmortis/Ben Leffler group to be specific!), so the day I get to post the release in the Recent News section will be a glorious day indeed. =]

    Keep up the awesome!

    Sammiekins3113 said...

    This will be the scarry game of the summer, I rember when me and my friend found Exmortis, We were nearly scared shitless the Eary feeling that ozzes from the game Especialy when youu have the lights off. I used to play these games durring school Geez i just cannot wait till this game comes out, and i will be the first one to make a wlakthrough for it i swear =D

    Sean said...

    Three years of waiting! I'm excited the result is coming soon... KEEP UP THE FANTASTIC WORK

    Anonymous said...

    ok. i have been checking every hour to see if you are done with exmortis 3! im really excited! you are awesome.

    Unknown said...

    Could have sworn we were promised an August release...

    Boss Man said...

    I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IIIIIIIT!!!! Please!! IM DIEING HERE!!! DAMN IT!!! WHY MUST FATE BE SO CRUEL!!! WHAT BUG COULD PROLONG THE RELEASE DATE!!!! I ASK YOU, WHY! WHY GOD! WHY MUST IT BE LIKE THIS, I PLEA FOR AN ANSWER!!! WHY MUST WE BE PUT IN A WORLD WHERE TIME IS SO LIMITED YET SO LONG?!!! WHY... WHY, WHY, WHY....... WHY SO SERIOUS!! AND I ASK YOU BEN... why so long of a wait? Oh for I long to be put into a world of fear and dread, to actually fear clicking on a mangled corpse only to have it grab your hand and eat it off while your eyes are locked to the computer screen screaming like a banshee and waking your father at 3:00am in the morning. Only then he crucified his son to the mantle above his fireplace.

    The way I'm posting now is because he left me my laptop and I'm using my toung to type.


    Don't ask me how I'm hitting shift.

    Eric Fleet said...

    *Sigh* I've been checking here all August based on the time frame Ben gave us. I understand that bugs happen. But also understand "I WANT MY FRIGGIN GAME"


    Anonymous said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Anonymous said...

    How do you make the images in the game? This has been driving me crazy ever since I played Exmortis 1. Do you use real pictures, and sort of cut and paste them togather, is it 3D stuff, or do you really paint each image out in Photoshop or some program of the same type? I love your games dude, so keep it up. You should do this for a living.

    And the quote for this image,
    if Hannay was the player in the second game, he died, he didn't leave a journal as far as I can tell, so is this a quote from the second game, or does he come back some how. He can't cross the bridge that allowed the exmortis to cross because he killed the Hand.

    kevin torwelle said...

    Looking forward to the release (any time right?) You're awesome, Ben, and we all can't wait for how all your hard work will pay off!

    Boss Man said...


    Eric Fleet said...


    Unknown said...


    Unknown said...

    I'll never make the next four days...

    GO, BEN, GO!!! I've been waitin' for this epilogue forever and I'm dying to see it!

    Unknown said...

    The holy chorus of angels above sings in mighty song "HALLELUJAH!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!" I think I might die from happiness, but I won't do that because then I can't play...

    Unknown said...

    Like everyone else, I'm super excited. Your game really got me into liking Click and point adventures. Can't wait for the seventh!

    Unknown said...


    *shaking excitedly*

    I'll be playing your games all day until it comes out, Ben! Go, man, go go go!

    Evil Roda said...

    Come on, Ben! I bet it's fucking midnight in Australia right now! Where is the game?!? I've been staying up all night, in the off chance it was released in the morning, so that I could play it before the servers got overloaded! Where is it?!? Grah!

    woramot492 said...

    *cries* Stop TORMENTING us, Ben! I've been checking this site and Fizzy every hour now for the past...14 hours! Release the game before I go crazy! >.< *dies*

    Alexandria Sullivan said...

    I'm sure you know what I'm going to say..... seeing as how its been said a billion times. So i will go bake cookies and wait patiently until I spontaneously combust.

    Eric Fleet said...

    Ben is an Aussie, right? So, it is Tuesday there already? What happened to the game? If I didn't already have the day off, I would have considered taking it off to play this game... Where is it?

    Anonymous said...

    Okay, it's already Tuesday in Australia, where is the game?

    Darquehand said...

    Dude it's almost Tuesday here in the UK. It's understandable that people are anxious now but I have no doubt that the "delay" is for good reason :)

    Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

    A good reason maybe, but there was a good reason he couldnt release it at the end of august, but you cant hold it off forever. ITS TUESDAY, AND I GOTTA GO TO SCHOOL! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR BEN?!?!?! (Im an aussie too, so i was on last night refreshing the page over and over =P)

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Anonymous said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Pat_Mak_Nation said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    cloud said...

    I hope your right , becuase people around the fucking world had been waiting for this game , and im one of those person!!!!!!!!

    Mike said...

    Clearly it's a troll, as the posts were just deleted by the admin.

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    My comments were deleted! Yes this is not his friend it's just a very impatient Exmortis fan trying to get his attention :( sorry for the fear effect

    I want Exmortis 3 now!

    Ben Leffler said...

    Don't believe the troll... All is well... release is imminent. The game is done. I am just waiting on my support team to upload to and test in the wrapper.

    As for you Johnny, nice theory... you get the award for giving me my first laugh of a very stressful day.

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    See it worked!

    Thanks Ben now let's play.

    Now I feel ashamed :( I will make up for it by playing the game good.

    Unknown said...

    Pat, you are a tool....
    Johnny, you are also a tool. Ben is paid to design other games meaning that Exmortis is not his only project. Launches always have dramas, I am sure Exmortis will be worth the wait

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    What's a troll :(

    Unknown said...

    Pat in Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community. In other words being a tool with the intention of annoying others...well done...

    Pat_Mak_Nation said...

    Nooo :( but I am a friendly troll.

    and Ben came on after I trolled and he seems happy.

    Brian said...

    Y'all need to calm down, I'm just as anxious about this game as any of y'all but there is no need to freak out and attack Ben.