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    Friday, July 17, 2009

    Exmortis 3: 2nd-Last Chapter Completed!

    Today marks the completion of the second-last chapter of Exmortis 3 (and probably the most narrative in structure), so why not post a new screenshot?

    Have a good weekend guys!


    Unknown said...

    I Cant wait to see Exmortis 3 :D it looks amazing love your games :)

    sp.caine9 said...

    Hey Ben :) My friends here in Singapore love your games, especially the Exmortis series. Loved the twist in the ending of Exmortis 2; hope the plot will be just as exciting, if not better! :D Keep producing such games man! Especially the graphics, they're stunning.

    Anonymous said...

    Yay! Almost there! Keep on truckin' Mr. Leffler!

    Unknown said...

    Who's that guy on the bridge? He looks like a hunter. Can't wait much longer now! Your a god Ben.

    PS: I see the cursor again!

    Anonymous said...

    DUDE! AWESOME! I can't wait for Exmortis 3! :]
    You know another game you should make... I think you should make Purgatorium a full game. That would be awesome!
    Thanks for all the awesome games so far!

    Unknown said...

    Wow...this is probably the most realistic screen shot you have released so far. It looks really really good. I can't imagine the work it takes to get something to look that real!

    James Noeckel said...

    Lol, the guy on the bridge doesn't have knees.

    Megan said...

    So how long do you rekon til its out? I mean I love your games & I cant wait to play it with my friends. :)

    Megan said...

    So how long till its playable? I love your games, I cant wait to play it with my friends :)

    Anonymous said...

    Ben already announced, it will released in middle of August.

    alynch66 said...

    so creepy I have nightmares from your last games still I can't sleep