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    Wednesday, June 25, 2008


    Yes it's true. I'm not dead. And neither is Exmortis 3... And to prove it, here is the first screenshot I've been prepared to let loose in a long time... :)



    Vicious Vinny said...

    Looks Awesome! Thanks for the screenshot.

    Pablo K. said...

    Nice! Good to see that your not playing the harp too xD

    Danny (Seng) said...

    Hey Ben,

    May I know when is the offical date you will be releasing Exmortis 3? If you do not want to announce it, it's ok ;) But at least, let us know what is your current percentage to completion.

    Thanks alot and I will be looking forward to your great game!

    Anonymous said...

    Dude it looks so awesome I can't WAIT! But will it be like the previous two? Will it be as scary? And what will be the locations of the game besides the one in the screenshot? I hope it'll be a haunted house like in the previous two...oh well it's up to you, of course. Anyways have fun making it I wonder if it'll be released Halloween 2008 cause that's what I heard...

    Anonymous said...

    Dude it looks so awesome I can't WAIT! Will it be as long and scary as the previous two?

    Ben Leffler said...

    No release dates are going to be issued just yet... I don't wish to set any expectations on time frames just yet.

    Amanda Storey said...

    Hurrah, he lives! Good idea to not release any time frames...a fellow game creator set a game release for June, and it ended up coming out in December. Blah.

    Lovely new screenshot and profile picture, by the way. =]

    Richard said...

    Hi Ben.

    Glad to hear that you haven't given up on your dream. :)

    I had goose-bumps when I saw this image, I kept thinking something is going to pop out to get me. >_<

    I hope the game turns out to be a great success. I wish you all the best of luck.


    Dark Angel said...

    Will it be like it's previous two? What will it be like? Fill me in on all the details

    Dark Angel said...

    Will it be like it's previous two? What will it be like? Fill me in on all the details

    Anonymous said...




    Unknown said...

    I'm so glad to hear that your still working on this game!! :) its been a long time since Exmortis 2 and i am a huge fan of your games :D

    I'm sure this game will be just as amazing and the last two

    Unknown said...

    I can't wait for the third installment to come out! Keep updating with any new information, I don't mind what, just for awhile I was wondering what happened to Exmortis 3. Oh ya, the screenshot looked beautiful! (I don't know if that's what reaction you were looking for so I'll say "polished" as well). Keep up the great work!

    Unknown said...


    It's good to see that you still exist! It's also good to know that you are still working on ExMortis 3! I look forward to seeing it soon (hopefully!).

    Unknown said...

    Glad to hear from you, Ben. I figured you had more important things to do that were career related or personal in your daily life. After all, that comes first before hobbies.

    Bryan Alexander said...

    Excellent. Looks lovely.

    Looking forward to the game.

    Anonymous said...

    Phew :)

    Anonymous said...

    Phew :)

    That Guy said...

    Will you please just publish a guess release date? Just a guess? One month, One Week, tomorrow?

    nick hatred said...

    so can we expect it soon?im kinda gettin impatient

    Anonymous said...

    Guys, I tried to coax him out of hiding so that we might find out he's still alive and be grateful, not so we could push him to give out a bogus release date that we all know he can't possibly meet. Give the guy a break. Exmortis 3 will be done when it's done, and we have no right to constantly demand things from Mr. Leffler.

    Son Of Jor-El said...


    Your games are the BOMB :D

    Amberlie said...

    Isn't it amazing how far you've come, Ben? That screenshot looks unbelievable. The scene is so very real with such eerie lighting and tones that it makes me nervous already. I especially love the texture of the water, and the grass, and the sky. Oh, who am I kidding? I love all of it!

    Great job. Really. ♥

    Ben Leffler said...

    Why thank you maam... :) *tips hat*

    Just a quick note while I am here... to see this scene animated - fly across to my online portfolio at


    Anonymous said...


    Anonymous said...

    Hey, have you come up with a release date yet? (I'm not being impatient like those haters, I'm just curious) if not, could you maybe give out the release date of when you THINK you'll be done with it? You know, like an estimation...well anywho this game is looking kick-ass already

    harvey45 said...

    Dude, exmortis ROCKS!!!!!
    I am such a big fan, From the exmortis walkthrough you made, I typed up a 5 page story based on almost exactly what happened in the game. Plus, I could do a storyboard for a full length exmortis movie.
    I can't wait for exmortis 3 to be out, but I'm patient. Take your time putting in details, little things we wont really look at much but add to the creepiness of the setting. (example: record player spinning not plugged in; cieling light swaying in no breeze)

    Unknown said...

    Hey Ben,

    i just finished playing the first two and read through the storys and drowning in so much hype for the 3rd one =] theres a problem with your website though (dunno if its just me) but everytime i try to get in it acts like it doesnt exist, as if theres no website by that name. could it be just me? and exmortis curse? etc.

    Pablo K. said...

    You should get a monkey army to do the job and release it faster. That's the way nintendo does it :P

    Faati said...

    hey, i'm a huge fan of the Exmortis games. Just saw the latest image and i must say i'm impressed. I love your work.Good luck with 3. Can't wait for the release!

    Ellinor399 said...

    Omg i went to online portfolio at and it immediatly sent chills down my spine with the eerie atmosphere, sound and lighting.. i can't wait for exmortis 3 it's going to be brilliant!

    Matoking said...

    Hi Ben.

    First thing, I wish you good luck with Exmortis 3, two first games forced me to play through them. Volume off.

    Also, would you bother uploading your games to Kongregate? ( I would love to play them there. :)

    Anyway, good luck. I think you need it after all those accidents.

    Anonymous said...

    I ask myself "Why isn't the sky red? Could it be that the Exmortis are gone? Or maybe this scene takes place..."somewhere else"? DUN DUN DUN!

    The flash creeps me out a bit...I just can't wait for Exmortis 3. But I suppose you can't rush things if you want 'em to be perfect, eh?

    Unknown said...

    arghh someone help me with this, the website is down?? it treats it as if it doesn't exist, does anyone else get this?

    Anonymous said...

    That's amazing!
    I've been waiting for Exmortis 3 for so long!
    You're doing so well!
    I love your work, all of it!
    You're amazing!

    rebi said...

    awesome i'm a fan of exmortis good luck with exmortis 3

    rebi said...

    awesome i'm a fan of exmortis good luck with exmortis 3

    Josh Dixon said...

    Hey Man, loving the exmortis series, cant want for the third one, and you should seriously look into making a exmortis film, like the games. thanks

    AxelWheels said...

    Its been over a year, and you still havent said a word about Exmortis 3, im just wondering, is it gonna come out yes or no?

    I periodically check the blog but it does not show any new signs of Exmortis.

    Unknown said...

    BLOG ALREADY WILL YUH.....I AM GOING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    E said...

    Fantastic. Can't wait.

    Regice said...

    Ben, turning the Exmortis Series into movies would be so awesome. And a new post, even if it is to say you haven't accomplished much since your last post would still be nice to see. Keep up the amazing work you do! I would wait 50 years if I had to for Exmortis 3 to come out, because I know for a fact it will be so awesome! YOU ROCK!

    Zaggeh said...

    Each day I check to see if Ex 3 is released. I get a bit sad, but I don't give up hope...

    Carrie said...

    Holy crap! D: How did I miss this last time I was here? That looks awesome (I'm suddenly reminded of Turok by the scenery...).

    I hope my crummy version of flash will play it! If not, well...there's still the library. :)

    kaatje said...

    Sasha, my seven-year old, autistic son is crazy about all B.L. games and so am I, btw.
    When we play them, we share a rare moment of complicity. He even spontaneously puts his arms around me when things get too scary (I explained a million times it's only a game). He says it's the rechearch and the suspence that do it. Since several months, he's asking continuously about the release of Exmortis 3. Every Friday (when he's allowed to go online), the first thing I have to do is look for the release date.
    Think it's funny, since I'm not especially a games fan.
    (Sorry for my lousy English).

    peche pona said...

    great image but i have to ask, are those things in the back mountains or structures created by Vlaew?
    thank for your work

    peche pona said...

    love the image ben, but the animated version was better, were can i copy it?