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    Monday, February 11, 2008

    Goliath The Soothsayer Bugs

    Hi all,

    Just a quick thank you for those of you who have reported bugs in the Goliath game... A quick FYI - those bugs were fixed over a month ago, however various websites in internetland decided to steal the game whilst it was in it's pre-release testing phase and publish it without Universal's or my consent. Hence a buggy version of the game is doing the rounds.

    For the actual "bug-free" version of the game, please visit or to see Goliath The Soothsayer as it was meant to be.


    1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    as your other games, this is nicely done. but, as your other point&click flash-based games, it lacks a major feature: sound on/off.

    since i'm myself a sound designer, i have to kill the current game, in order to get rid of the background sound.

    adding such a feature in a contextMenu function in flash is easy to do and wouldn't ruin the GUI.
