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    Sunday, June 03, 2007

    More questions...

    Q/I wanted to know if you get to play the guy from Ex2 in Ex3, and if you get to kill Vlaew (From Tedizslayer)
    A/ In Exmortis 3 you certainly do begin the game as the main character from the 2nd chapter - Mr. Hannay... well - what's left of him considering he was on the wrong end of a mauling from Vlaew at the end of Exmortis2. As far as getting revenge on the big bad... I certainly do intend to provide a rather explosive conclusion to the story - whether you get to kill Vlaew or not, I'm keeping that card close to my chest for now...

    Q/ I know you had planned to put the three Exmortis games on DVD. Are you still planning on doing that? A playable DVD would be awesome. (From Kristen1027)
    A/ I certainly was planning on doing a "remastering" or a "redux" of the trilogy and offering it for sale on a DVD. I had even partnered with a professional media house who has green screens and production quality camera's for some video cut scenes. But after having my laptop and source material of the entire series stolen, it is a plan that seems to be unrealistic now. I'm not 100% ruling it out at this stage, but I don't like your chances. At this point I am more focused on Exmortis 3 - so we'll see how that goes before I make any concrete decisions on furthering the Exmortis legacy in the electronic media...

    Q/ Are you going to give us some more long books of the story to read? (From The Unknown)
    A/ I certainly do plan on doing that. One of the core features of the Exmortis series (in my opinion) that sets it apart from flash games of the same genre, is it's solid back-story and immersive properties which are mostly delivered through the in-game books and diaries. That said - I want to mix it up a bit this time around, so while I will still be looking to go in to depth for you story-junkies out there, I will be experimenting with a few different ways of delivering these back-stories to the player as opposed to just finding a conveniently placed diary sitting on a table in a scene somewhere. I'm still undecided on how I'm going to achieve this - but half the fun is making it work... :)

    That's all from me for now... I better get back to work on a client's website...



    faytar said...

    i was wondering if exmortis 3 will be longer and even more challenging then the first two?

    Ladb2000 said...

    I wanted to write you an extended comment. When I first came across the Exmortis series, it was last summer, I was captivated. You really have transcended the flash game genre.

    I am the same individual who created the article on the series on wikipedia (I lament that the article has since been deleted from that site--since apparently it was considered non-notable short an unreliable article written by a fan).

    I really feel that you really have a knack for creating great graphics, a compelling story, and a good gaming experience in the same package.

    Your story strikes me as a combination of "Buffy the Vampire Slayers" meets George Orwell's "1984." It contains all those dysotopian elements in it combined with the "scary movie" genre.

    I was very much involved in directing and acting at my school--and I have suggested this to you before--but it would be interesting to see "Exmortis" make the leap from flash game to prime-time television series.

    What do you intend to do with exmortis beyond the third game and potentially creating a redux version of the three games as a DVD?

    If you can put together an interesting and talented production team--I really think there is a lot of artistic potential and money to be made in an "Exmortis" television serious.

    You really have invented an inspiring piece of video-gaming, that not only transcends the flash game genre--it transcends the limits of video gaming and makes a very compelling storyline.

    Sponger500 said...

    hey ben
    i just want to start out saying that i love the exmortis series so far and always check updates about its developments when i can and that i am so excited for exmortis 3.
    i really really dont want to sound rude by saying this .. but you spend so much time blogging when you could be working on exmortis. I love how you give so much detail about your techniques the making of the games but could you please work on it more often!
    please correct me if i am mistaken.

    Anonymous said...

    Love the game, I am currently developing a similar game in Flash at college using scenes created in 3d max/photoshop. I'm interested to know how you go about creating the lighting effects seen in the game?

    peche pona said...

    this is a comment for the person that said: "are you going to kill Vlaew?".
    In the exmortis 1 they said that only an Ancient could kill another Ancient, and having in mind that Vlaew is the last one alive, i think it can't be done.
    Altought, as we know, there's nothing we can't kill.