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    Sunday, January 14, 2007

    Exmortis 3 Voice Actor Competition

    Leffler Web Design in conjunction with has just launched a competition to find the lucky camper who will be the voice of the main character within the upcoming Exmortis 3 title!
    For more information on how to enter, shoot across to
    Entries close February 15th with the winner to be announced at the Casual Gameplay site.


    Anonymous said...

    I think this is an attempt to gain some more time, since the estimated time of release was Dec,

    Anonymous said...

    I think this is an attempt to gain some more time, since the estimated time of release was Dec,

    Ben Leffler said...

    See my most recent blog entry as a response to your thoughts, Jim...

    GrandMasterKB said...

    What is the expected release date for Exmortis 3? I have searched everywhere and cannot find any date.